What to do

Kosovo Liberation

  1. After reading and reviewing the "Background" information, Open both "Committee" and "Note (Force Field Analysis)" sites.

  2. Use the Force Field Analysis tool to develop a comprehensive list of pros and cons for each option by looking at each of the perspectives laid out.

  3. You may want to consider looking at the library of resources provided to get additional information or you can always find or use your own.

  4. Rank or weight each pro and con to help you make a final decision on which policy is the best option to recommend to the President. You might save whenever you want to save your work by clicking button.
  5. When you finish your "Force Field Analysis", submit it by clickingbutton at the bottom of the site. This will display your work on the Students presentation page for other students to review and give you feedback.

  6. Once you have made a policy decision, lay out a tentative implementation plan for the option you have a chosen by selecting " implementation plan" from the navigation bar. Then submit your implementation plan by clicking button.

  7. Open "Students Presentation", and review peer's works, and give feedback or comments by e-mail.

North Korea On the War Path

  1. Read the background and briefing information.

  2. Research Perspectives of policy committee members and come up with their positions on the Korean situation.

  3. Formulate policy options.

  4. Use the Force Field Analysis to come up with the pros and cons for each option.

  5. Formulate an implementation plan for the option you have chosen as the best.


What to do

Site Map

Kosovo Liberation

North Korea on the War Path