
Home Ι Research Ι Finish the Case

Job Case - Finish

Recall the instructions for this activity and add your responses in the SA Grader assignment window.

You are the CEO of a company hiring a national sales director. You are meeting with your Vice Presidents to discuss the three finalists for the job. Because the VPs do not agree on which candidate to hire, you must make the final decision. In order to explain to the VPs why you have selected the candidate you choose, use what you know from sociology to help you make a fair decision and to justify your choice to the VPs.

Be sure to use a number of relevant sociological concepts and facts. You should pay attention not only to why you believe a particular candidate should get the job, but also to ways in which your understanding of the people and reasoning in this case reflect common sociological concepts, recurring themes, and sociological theories. 

Your job as president is to not only make a decision but to persuade the others to go along with your decision by making a strong persuasive argument.  Your argument should use only credible evidence, be reflexive by acknowledging your own possible biases, examine underlying assumptions, avoid logical fallacies, and demonstrate that you recognize and respect other points of view while still having to make a decision.