files for your case social interaction theory race gender social class

test photo Ashley Jones

Ashley says to herself: “Why can’t I find Conley drive? Oh, it’s almost 2 o’clock!”

Ashley calls Mrs. Chou on her cell phone: “Hi, this is Ashley. I think I will be a few minutes late. Can you wait ten more minutes for me?”

Mrs. Chou: “Uh-huh…ok.” (Hangs up the phone with a click)

Mrs. Chou: “Hmm…a careless young lady”

Ashley says to herself: “I have to find a new apartment as soon as possible. I need to settle down, find an extra job to pay my bills, take care of Jimmy, and... Yes, I have a plan and I can handle my life…like everyone else does.”

A few minutes later, Ashley arrives at the apartment.

Ashley: “Hello, Mrs. Chou. Sorry I’m late!”

Mrs. Chou: “Come in, Ashley. Please take off your shoes. Here is the apartment. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and this is the bedroom. The living room is not that big, but it’s enough for a couch and TV set. The former renter kept this apartment very clean, you know. I really liked her, but she got married and moved away last month.”

Ashley: “It’s a good apartment, I like this little balcony.”

Mrs. Chou: “You can open the window right there. Yeah, you need to push it harder.” 

Ashley: “Mrs. Chou, I think this apartment fits my needs. So, I pay the rent monthly, right? ” Mrs. Chou: “yes, the fifth day of each month. The rent does not including utilities. You know, cable TV and electricity are extra. And you need to keep the place clean and not make too much noise. I live on the first floor, and I prefer quiet.”

Ashley: “Oh, sure …well, actually, my little boy Jimmy will live with me. He is a cute boy, and he goes to kindergarten now.”

Mrs. Chou: (frowning) “Uh-huh”

Ashley: “Uh, Jimmy goes to school every day and I will pick him up when I get off work. I work for a grocery store near Walnut Square.”  We’re still getting used to it being just the two of us.  I was divorced just last month and that’s why I’m looking for a new place to live.

Mrs. Chou: “Um…. You can look around by yourself. Anything you want to know, just ask. Call me next Monday; if you want to rent this apartment…then we need to sign a Lease Agreement. By the way, the deposit should be paid in advance.”