files for your case social interaction theory race gender social class

test photo Delon Foster

Delon: Hello, you must be Mrs. Chou, I’m Delon Foster. Hope I’m not late.

Mrs. Chou: Hello, nice to meet you, you’re on time. Let me show you the apartment. It’s just upstairs.

Mrs. Chou closes the door of her apartment and walked upstairs, Delon follows her.

Mrs. Chou: This is the apartment, we just cleaned it, the former tenant moved out last week.

Delon: It looks nice.

Mrs. Chou: Yep, it really does. This is the kitchen. You must take good care of the appliances and keep them clean. This is the living room. It’s not that large, but since you are single, I guess it’s enough for you. Here is the bedroom, the window faces east, so you can get sunshine in the morning. Then here is the bathroom. You have to keep it clean. That’s all. You can look around as you like.

Delon: How much is the rent for each month?

Mrs. Chou: 450 dollars, just for rent, it doesn’t include utilities.

Delon: WOW, that’s not cheap. (He whispered, but Mrs. Chou still heard). So, I need to pay my rent at the first of the month?

Mrs. Chou: Not exactly, you should pay for your rent before the fifth day of each month and you must pay 15 dollars if you’re late.

Delon: Can I hold a party with my friends?

Mrs. Chou: It’s ok, if you’re not noisy. I live downstairs.

Delon: Thank you so much for showing me around. I really like the apartment.

Mrs. Chou: One more thing, it’s not allowed to have pets or to smoke in the apartment.

Delon: That’s ok, actually I don’t like animals. When can I move in?

Chou: I need to prepare the lease first. By the way, you also need to pay for $350 deposit, which doesn’t include your first month’s rent.

Delon:  I just started a new job last week but get paid Friday and I should have enough money then.