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test photo John Meyer Cover Letter

Dear Hiring Manager:

Attached, please find my resume for the advertised sales manager position in your company. As you can see, I have several years of experience in sales and sales management. I bring a commitment to excellence and a drive for achievement to my work that will be an asset to your company.

In addition to the experience detailed in my resume, my experience in the U.S. Armed Forces has taught me to work with and motivate diverse teams.  My father and mother always valued education even though they worked in manual labor jobs.  As the first member of my family to attend college I am used to working hard to accomplish my goals.  I have a BA in business from Missouri State University where I went through college on a ROTC scholarship.  I am also a member in good standing of the Alpha Alpha Alpha Fraternity. As an alumni member of the fraternity, I organize and participate in a variety of charity events in the Columbia, MO area.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to determine how my talents can be of benefit to your company in the sales manager position. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email to schedule an appointment.

John Meyer